This page describes events and information that I have collected about my accident with my electric car. As I cannot prove what I experienced, I will not make any statements about events in some places for legal reasons and will only present the results. Here is an example of what legal action could be taken if I make a statement about brakes that cannot be proven:

Urteil: Tesla-Kunde in China muss sich entschuldigen >

In the following, I would like to summarize what information I was able to have read from the vehicle and what evidence speaks against the values from the accident data memory. What efforts I made with my own expert and where the limits were and the dependence on the manufacturer began. Great attention will also be paid to the cooperation with the manufacturer itself, in particular the activities of the accident research department.

A very important point is also the other people affected who have inexplicable accidents with similar products from this manufacturer. There are now 12 of us and more are joining regularly.

To say it up front: after all my experiences with customer service, I would never buy another vehicle from this company, nor do I have any confidence in the control of the ever-advancing driver assistance systems. I can certainly understand that there are initial difficulties in the development of new technologies. But I consider the risk assessment made here to be sufficiently piquant and even negligent.

Two days after the launch of the homepage, the manufacturer sent me a further statement in which he points out the incompleteness of his tests. Nevertheless, he continues to emphasize that there is no doubt that the car has no defect.

And holy shit: there is a test procedure description “self-accelerator” for a car.

“Thank you for your further message.

  1. protocol workshop, test procedure description (PAB)
    The test drive carried out by the workshop with the vehicle was unremarkable, the PAB on the subject of “self-accelerator” was not completed by the workshop as requested and is therefore not available (only the PAB “brake”).”